We provide a variety of audit, tax, and business consulting services designed to assist our clients in realizing their goals. Sometimes these services focus on general planning and compliance, but may include an analysis of specific transactions or strategies for saving tax or advancing business operations.

Attest Services

Our firm specializes in providing audit services to privately held companies. We’ve been told we make audits fun. That’s high praise indeed, especially in a profession with a reputation for stuffed shirts. At this time we do not provide audit services to public companies.

In addition to audits we also offer review and compilation services. Our Attest Services Department is peer-reviewed and has received an “unqualified report” consistently since the peer-review process was introduced by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

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Tax Planning & Compliance

Our Tax Department provides services to virtually all of our clients. We are experienced in the preparation of all income and transactions type returns. We prefer to offer our clients tax planning services in addition to compliance services. Our clients include large companies having revenues in excess of $100 million and smaller companies and startups with little or no revenue.

Since we specialize in providing services to businesses, their owners and investors, we excel at tax planning for multiple entity taxpayers. Our tax planning services are combined with other consulting services, resulting in our ability to analyze transactions or transactions under consideration from economics through taxes and ultimately to after tax cash in our clients’ hands.

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Quarterly Management Meetings

As a follow-up to the Strategic Planning process, we developed a process whereby we take management through a quarterly review of operations. This review goes beyond a review of the enterprise’s financial statements. We work with our clients to develop critical success factors and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) applicable to the client’s business. We then prepare a series of reports that reviews the company’s operations against the critical success factors and KPIs. Usually, particularly near year end, we incorporate tax planning into these quarterly meetings.


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Business Consulting

Our span of business consulting services is extensive. Specially designed to assist our clients in realizing their goals, we can be of as much or as little help as you need. We provide a variety of business consulting services designed to assist our clients in realizing their goals. Sometimes this comes in the form of an occasional meeting to look at trends or a transaction under consideration, such as the sale or purchase of a business entity or a significant investment asset.

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